#4WeeksFit Challenge//Today's Run

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

So!, exciting bits number one, I am doing my first link-up challenge! One of the things I am starting to love about blogging are links ups because they're a great way to connect to other people, and to keep yourself accountable and motivated!

Here are my four goals for the month of March.

Goal #1: Workout 4-5 times a week! This includes cardio and weight training. I'm really good at falling into lulls, so I'm hoping to stay accountable for the sake of blogging about it :)

Love, Fun & footballGoal #2: Limit my eating out to once a week! I'm heading back to Austin next week, and I know the temptation of going back to all the local eateries I loooove is gonna be gnawing at me (pun totally intended). For the sake of my checkbook and progress, I'm gonna do my best to stay limited.

Goal #3: Meal prep. Meal prep. Meal prep. This part is probably the hardest for me because I love diversity in what I eat, so I'm gonna have to find some fun ways to mix it up a bit. Better believe I'll be sharing!

Goal #4: Be able to do 6 miles nonstop. Easy right? WROOONG. I'm such an amateur runner. After my half I crossed it off my list and didn't look back. I'm starting to get the running bug just a little bit more, so hopefully this will be a decent start.

I started out this morning by going on a fun little jog down to the beach. I am still super sore from my workout Monday and I knew the only way to combat it was to get moving and stop sitting around. Don't worry, I foam rolled before an after as well. I threw on my shoes and went for it. It was actually not as awful as I thought (minus the huge hill on the way home), plus having the beach as a reward was nice!

When I got to the beach, I decided to walk around a bit and take in the serenity of it all. As I sat down, I pulled out my devotional app and read what it was for today. Today's was titled "Physical." I'm smiled not even starting to read it, knowing it would be good. The verse came from 3 John 1:2 which read "Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit." Just another reminder that being healthy and staying fit isn't purely for the looks. I often stop myself and ask, okay why am I really doing this? It was such a sweet reminder to know that we're called as humans to respect our bodies and keep them in the best shape and health possible: spiritually, physically, and mentally :)

Happy Hump Day, y'all!

Sweet sweet victory!!

The Hill O' Death on the way home.
You can't even see the street...that bad -_-

I meeeean, not awwwwful? :/
It's always a work in progress.


  1. I'm so glad you linked up and I found your blog this way! :) Awesome goals- not eating out is always a challenge for me but we're getting better. I'm still a slow/steady runner but every day we're making progress!! Good luck!!

    1. Thanks so much, Erin :) I'm so excited for the challenge! And yes, eating out is seriously my kryptonite!

  2. Yay, thanks for linking up with us! Meal prep always seems SO daunting, but once I just buckle down and it do it, it's not so bad and helps so much! I'm excited to see how you do with your goals this month!!!!
